Uncovering War Crimes with Web3: Learn to Spot Media Manipulations from PR In Tech Expert
Talking with Anastasia how to recognize manipulations in media, how to protect yourself from misinformation, about the power of personal stories and storytelling. Anastasia is Award-winning PR and communications manager focusing on web3. Anastasia has a journalist background, and more than 5 years of PR experience helping tech companies to tell their stories. Today she works as a head of PR in Protocol Labs and curating web3 decentralized archives projects. Previously she was working in Ditto PR, he has worked with such brands as Ledger, Algorand, SingularityNET, and others. Her work has been featured in industry outlets such as PRWeek, PRNews, TechTimes, Coindesk, and Cointelegraph Wall Street Journal, Forbes, The Financial Times and other media outlets. She is the owner of visa for extraordinary talents in the US.